Thursday, July 19, 2012

Life can go my way anytime now!!

I'm so over my job. It sucks that at nearly 28, I'm not what I thought (hoped) I would be in life. At this age, I hoped that I would be a mother and have a successful career. I'm pretty far from that. Depressing.
I work at this lowly place that is so desperate to keep it's doors open. All but a couple of managers barely know how to manage one person, let alone a shift of people. They micromanage and get mad at you when it's their fault you haven't been trained properly, if at all. It is by far the worst retail place I've worked at, and I've worked at some crappy places. I plan on not working there too much longer. I'm too old to deal with that bs, and I hardly get the respect I deserve.

As far as trying for a baby goes, I believe I've gotten to the exhausted, don't care phase. I still want a baby and can't be around infants, or's just that I'm so over my struggles. There's no point in keeping on putting effort into something that is not going to happen. I'll try, but I'm done giving it my best shot. There's only so much I can do. I can't control the outcome.

One positive is that I can hopefully start school this fall, if I'm not wait listed on classes. Once again, I have to jump thru hoops in order to get things running smoothly. It would be nice for once if something can go my way without any issues. Not in this life. Maybe my next life won't be as discouraging.

Ugh, I have to enter hell soon..with my least favorite manager. If he pisses me off tonight, I'll cut more hours to the point of where I won't be working there. I don't need that toxic place.