Friday, September 2, 2011

The one thing I want so badly, everyone else just keeps on getting

Of course another one of my husband's friends calls him to tell him his new wife is pregnant. Just married, plenty of bills, wife doesn't have a job, and already has to pay for another child...of course they're fertile myrtles.

My husband just left because we got into an argument about him taking his multivitamins. He doesn't want to take them because they're too big and he's already taking enough pills. He fucking takes 2 other pills daily. Big fucking deal??? If he didn't have a problem with his damn sperm then he wouldn't have to take them. It's just him being stubborn and trying to resist me. He says he doesn't have a choice in the matter of what I make him take. I'm not giving him arsenic for fucks sake! It's that simple, if he wants a child then he will shut the hell up about taking the vitamins and continue to ingest them. Instead of supporting me in this delicate matter, he has to act like a fucking ignorant hard headed dick and put up a fight. Why do I even try in this marriage? Why do I even try to get pregnant? It just gets me no where. We were doing so good until he had to go bitching about it.

I want a baby incredibly badly. It hurts every month that goes by and I'm empty handed. It hurts every time I hear another pregnancy announcement. Or every time I see a pregnant woman. I just want to make this pain and suffering go away...this doesn't help in me trying to be non-stressed around ovulation. It's like I'm just fucked either way and should give up now. Not like I'm getting ahead.

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