Saturday, April 26, 2014

SIL (I hate) back in town. Yay?

I know, I know. The bitching about my in-laws never stops. Trust me, I wish they would cut the crap already!

SIL (I despise) is the one who got pregnant on her 13th month of TTC, on her first round of Clomid with twins. The one whom I had a falling out with, as she claimed she really STRUGGLED much more than I did to get her pregnancy. Then went on to conceive naturally 2 years later. Yeah, that bitch. Her and the whole lot a moving back to Indiana in with her parents. I assume they can't afford the luxuries in Arizona. They lived outside of Phoenix and it is still a high cost of living.

Anyways, she is having this welcome back party at the in laws house in Illinois; when she is going to be living in Indiana. I suppose it is because of the few friends she has living here and the rest of her family. What a showy cow. The problem is my husband expects me to go to this party. If I don't it will cause a fight between us. I have no problem with him and our son going, but count me out.

I haven't spoken to her in 3 years, and as far as I'm concerned the twat owes me an apology. I'm not going to be fake and act like we're sisters. No. Thus, it's best I don't go. Now if I can only convince my husband to see my reasoning...

Monday, April 21, 2014

When did MIL get her P.H.D.?

I know I've said this before, but everyone has an opinion on how to care for YOUR child. For fuck's sake people, I'm doing the best I can. I'm reading baby books when I have a bit of time, consulting other current mothers, and asking my own mother at times for advice.

What I don't care for is MIL pushing her advice on me. Number 1, I don't recall asking for it and two, I know my son best. You spend a few hours with him on Saturdays, I'm with him everyday.

I'm no medical professional. When it comes to medical concerns with my son, I consult the pedi. MIL has "advised" me to push back the foreskin on my circumcised son. My understanding is that they are leaving a little bit more foreskin on, as it even out in growth with age. She seems to think it needs to be retracted every nappy change. I wouldn't think yanking on a wanker 8 times a day, would be comfortable. I'm not concerned about it, as it's not inflamed and the meatus is not covered.

I'm going to consult the pedi at his next appointment.