Saturday, April 26, 2014

SIL (I hate) back in town. Yay?

I know, I know. The bitching about my in-laws never stops. Trust me, I wish they would cut the crap already!

SIL (I despise) is the one who got pregnant on her 13th month of TTC, on her first round of Clomid with twins. The one whom I had a falling out with, as she claimed she really STRUGGLED much more than I did to get her pregnancy. Then went on to conceive naturally 2 years later. Yeah, that bitch. Her and the whole lot a moving back to Indiana in with her parents. I assume they can't afford the luxuries in Arizona. They lived outside of Phoenix and it is still a high cost of living.

Anyways, she is having this welcome back party at the in laws house in Illinois; when she is going to be living in Indiana. I suppose it is because of the few friends she has living here and the rest of her family. What a showy cow. The problem is my husband expects me to go to this party. If I don't it will cause a fight between us. I have no problem with him and our son going, but count me out.

I haven't spoken to her in 3 years, and as far as I'm concerned the twat owes me an apology. I'm not going to be fake and act like we're sisters. No. Thus, it's best I don't go. Now if I can only convince my husband to see my reasoning...


  1. Ha, in law problems suck. Don't see what's wrong with just hubby and son going. I've done that (prior to the kid though). Just say you're sick or something.

  2. I've resigned myself to not giving a shit what the in-laws think anymore when I don't turn up to events. Why should we sit in a room with people and feel miserable and be spoken to like dirt, just so we can say we were there?! No way Jose.

    Now, people know that more often than not Martin will be the only one attending. I'm sure it's because Martins family are as fertile as they come and I'm the poor infertile so they feel sorry for me. If that's what it takes from them to leave me alone, so-be-it!

    Is it the law that in-laws have to be such twats?
