Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I can't hide from the mommy club

I've had my first mother to mother encounter. *cringes*

A few weeks after I have birth, I ran into a former co worker while grocery shopping. She congratulated me on my baby and rambled on about how her friends don't have children, it is so difficult to get on with any if them. Before I knew it, she was handing me her contact information for future play dates. I'm sorry dear, but Infertile Ingrid is just not on board with having a lunch chat all about children. As much as I love my child, I'm just not comfortable talking about him incessantly. For one, I'm still learning day to day about parenting. Lastly, I have had enough "helpful advice" to process for a lifetime.

Don't get me wrong, I have a group of ladies I can consult. But I can't be one of those mothers who meet twice a week for a cuppa joe with other mothers, talk about their children till the cows come home, and then we assemble our fleet of prams for a leisurely stroll. Just, no. Lol.