Sunday, March 23, 2014

SIL came and went. AF back with a vengeance!

I didn't miss that bitch. AF, not SIL.

Everything went fine with SIL (I like) visiting. She only looked a little pregnant; I wasn't too bothered by it. However, I was annoyed with her whinging about buying 3 new car seats, as she's stuck with her American SUV overseas. Also how she's going to gain so much weight this pregnancy, as she hasn't had a chance to lose it from the last. Cry me a river.

My first real AF after birth was just horrendous. Let's just say I had to wear those nighttime pads that resemble tug boats, and a super tampon...during the DAY!! I contemplated going to A&E, as I was changing them every hour. How could I still be alive after all that blood loss?! That was a big fuck off from AF. Apparently she's here to stay and we're going to have many years together. Lovely.

1 comment:

  1. Haha tug-boat pads. I could have done with one of those this week.

    SIL should try the weight you gain with fertility drugs. Fat and infertile! Cruel world!
