Thursday, May 19, 2011

Airing out My Thoughts

Of course when I need to vent this site is down.

What's that someone else in Hollywood is knocked up? Who cares? The world's overpopulated enough. As pathetic as it sounds I feel jealous when the next celeb is pregnant. It must be nice to have the $ for fertility treatments enabling you to have a baby to fit your schedule. 

On a suckier note, my husband and I are fighting once again. It's over WoW, in which World of Warcraft has been known to ruin marriages/relationships. In short, it's an extremely involving fantasy game that requires a lot from the player thus leading to an addiction. Which when he comes home around 4 he'll be on it until bed time, only getting off of it to shit, shave, and eat. Leaving little to no time spent with me. Women need attention; marriages require time and effort. At the moment he's not investing hardly any time in this marriage. I've tried to ignore it before, and tried to compromise with him to 2 hours a night and longer on weekends. He's says he'll cut it down, but doesn't. I shouldn't have to sit there and monitor his game time; I'm his wife, not his mother. So I've put my foot down this time and told him to get rid of it. Yeah, that's not going to well either..but if he wants to keep me as his wife then it leaves the house or I will. We're not speaking to each other. And our 1 yr anniversary is this Sunday; that's already ruined. 

I don't want to drown on and on about my marriage but it ties in with the baby thing. Every time we fight, I'm one step closer to separation at least, maybe even divorce. It's not like he can give me a child, so is what I am putting myself thru even worth it? Don't get me wrong I do love him, and understand that marriage has it's ups and downs. But this marriage has had a helluva lot of downs in this one year. I'm guessing love is holding this marriage together and the fact that I don't give up too easily. 

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