Friday, November 18, 2011

Screw the rest of November!

Fuck the rest of this year for that matter! Caved and tested today, which I shouldn't have I already new it was going to be a BFN (big fucking negative). It's day 25 of my cycle so 4 more days to go until my period.

Fighting with my husband about his spending problem. The same problem we've been having since marriage. He just misuses the debit card, and I told him off. We're barely talking now. If he wants to fix the problem which will help our marriage, then you come to me and show me effort. I'm done trying to fix shit.  If it isn't fixed before out 2nd anniversary, then there won't be an anniversary. Finished playing around and tired of feeling this way.

Another 2 pregnancy announcements on FB, with people who have been married in way less amount of time than I have. People don't waste any time. Just pisses me off, because I should've already been pregnant and had a baby by now.

I HATE how infertility has taken over my life. I sleep, eat, and breathe it. I feel like if I try to act happy around people then I'm putting up this false front. Just tired of trying, feeling alone, and being unhappy.

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