Friday, December 2, 2011

Well that's it for 26

My goal of getting pregnant when I hit 26 isn't going to happen. I got my period today, freaking 8 days later! This was the last shot I had at getting pregnant before 27..ughhhhh. So depressing. Maybe I'll finally get to be a mother at 27.

So I'm incredibly bitchy from my cramps and backaches. Not in the mood to move, let alone go to the grocery store. We have next to no food in the house..I asked my husband if he would get me some takeout and he started bitching he didn't feel like leaving, blah, blah. Then turns to ask me why I don't go. I remind him that I hurt from my period. He starts spouting off that's a poor excuse. WTF? You bleed from your dick for 5-7 days, plus backaches, bloating, cramps, and PMS then come talk to me! I got so pissed that I left the room before I tore into his ass making it worse. Then he comes downstairs with attitude asking me what I want. Really? You're going to give me attitude after you're acting like an insensitive ass. Finally, he left to go get me something.

He could be a bit more sensitive to the fact that I'm upset my period showed and I hurt!! But noooooo, I'm inconveniencing him by asking him to get off his fucking WoW and do something for me. Never mind the fact that I don't hesitate when I he asks me to do things. Selfish prick.

Anyways, back to infertility. I need to delete my Fertile Book, plan and simple. Only torturing myself by scouring my home page for the next announcement or ultrasound picture. Makes me even more depressed that I'm not yet pregnant. If I can even get pregnant naturally at all. All the days blend together and I just find myself waiting till the end of the month to get disappointed again. Today is Day 1 of yet another cycle. When will this end? :(

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