Monday, April 15, 2013

Another foul taste in my mouth.

My cardio, lymphatic, and immune exam went horrible. I answered the essay questions flawlessly, but only because I had to memorize all 3 word for word. When it came to the cardio part of the exam, my mind went blank vaguely remembering what I was taught. I even panicked at some of the immune questions. That exam was awful; I'm sure my grade will be less than favorable. It's not l
Iike I didn't put I'm the time studying, it's just that you really have to understand what you were taught. Whereas, I partway understood it. Some areas I was still a little fuzzy on. Oh well, I tried my best.

Some news that I expected would happen came up yesterday. It's really amusing when a fake, hypocritical, manipulative, not anymore deserving of a pregnancy, ex pal becomes pregnant. Is it because she whined a lot more than the rest of us? That doesn't make her worthy! She probably annoyed the shit out of Karma with her whinging, so she wouldn't come back around for her. Bitch.
It just leaves another nasty taste in my mouth, like the one before her. Maybe they'll both have boys, so society can be spared 2 bitches.


  1. Boo on the exam. You'll rock the next part. I always found cardiology distasteful (probably why I went into neuro!).

    Ah preggo bitches. It's like an endless supply of them. Even if they have boys, there's probably someone down the street popping out triplet daughters. Gross.

  2. "Maybe they'll both have boys, so society can be spared 2 bitches"

    Is the best thing I've ever read. Ever.
