Sunday, April 21, 2013

There went the neighborhood!

Well I don't exactly have a neighborhood, as I live in flats. I can't even call them apartments because they're not the least bit posh. Neighbors let their mangy mutts take a shit in the stairwells, hardly a lush place. We were sort of stuck living here until our lease is over because we moved from another base and is the only place that had vacancies.

Anyways, a new couple with children moved in down the hall sometime last month. I had maybe saw the husband once, and I saw her in her nursing scrubs once. She smiled at me and seemed polite. Earlier this week I ran into a few police officers knocking on her door. I'm not sure if there was a domestic dispute or whatever. Didn't think anything more of it because it's not my business and I have things to do.

This morning, I wake up to someone banging on their door yet again. Once again, two officers we beating on her door to open up. I heard some more rapping on the door, it stopped. Then I hear this loud boom, boom, boom. They were kicking down her door!!!! Holy shit! We stayed in our apartment a little startled, hoping their children were alright.....and still hoping where we reside is semi safe to live in! I thought I heard an ambulance or police sirens, wasn't too sure. Later, after all the noises stopped, my husband went to get me a smoothie. He had saw the grandmother taking the children. Thank goodness they were safe.

I had to go to work and later my husband texts me filling me in about what really happened from the busybody neighbor that also lives in our floor. Apparently, the husband got arrested the first time the police arrived. The wife or girlfriend, had called her ex boyfriend and threatened to kill herself a bunch of times. He reported it to the police, who busted down her door today and called an ambulance for her because she had taken a bunch of pills. And I thought I had drama.

These people just moved in!! I have a problem with other people's drama when it wakes me up in the morning....granted our walls are very thin (you can hear people getting it on) but still. The whole 3rd floor doesn't need to know your business! I knew we should have rented a small home.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Well, hopefully that'll be the end of them in that apartment.

    Ooh, I don't miss the paper thin walls. We used to have this oriental couple next to us; the girl was the tiniest thing I ever saw but damn, she was LOUD. One night I swear she cried after her orgasm, lol!
