Sunday, April 28, 2013

Come on, Army!

We still have heard nothing back from the medical board about my husband's pending discharge. I've got a week of classes and 1 final exam next week then I'm finished with this semester...then I need to get my transfer in order to the next uni. I mean they could very well drag this out until August and I would be pushing the fall deadline for enrollment. Ugh. Hopefully not. Then again I wouldn't have to be faced with the new nephew because they'll already be on a plane overseas. Hmmmm.

I was really hoping that we would know this month and I could give work the finger. I'd rather not spend all summer as a printing slave. Those people are grinding on my nerves with their juvenile drama. If you're going to speak badly about someone behind their back, then be prepared to face the consequences when they expose you for your fakery! Seriously, I get enough of the fakery from SIL(whom I loathe). Certainly don't need anymore.


  1. How long does it normally take to find out? Seems like you guys have been waiting awhile!

    1. I've read on some military forums that it can take a long time, up to 2 years. Which if that's the case I'd rather renew my lease so I'm not paying an extra $75 a month. Though when he calls that can't tell us squat on the status. They're useless. In my opinion it would be cheaper for the army to go ahead and do the surgery on his back rather than pay him monthly for the rest of us life. Or one massive lump dum which is probably more than the surgery itself since he has time invested. Makes no sense!
