Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Yeah the bloody bitch decided to arrive this weekend, in full blooming force. I'm so annoyed with her, as I've been acting like a raging cunt for the past week. I believe the end of the semester, work, and the absence of AF was just wearing me down.

Oh and the weather has been bipolar lately. One day it's tee weather and possibly shorts, then the next you're bundling up with a sweater and scarf. Make up your damn mind!!

More drama on the forefront as SIL (the one who said shit about me) texted my DH wishing to speak about the issues we're having. Really?! Because if you seriously wish to resolve this, then you need to text or call me with an apology. I have nothing further to say to her. DH got angry with me saying I really need to talk to her and mend things. The thing is, I don't care!! She's trying to seek attention by doing this because she's bored with her life of 3 children. He dropped it when I kept on sniggering about it. I don't need her shit in my life right now, I'm about to move back to an area where I will have to deal with other drama.

1 comment:

  1. Why should you have to deal with all that crap, on top of what you're dealing with? I support you 100%.
