Friday, May 3, 2013

Does a drama free work place exist?

Now would've been perfect timing to tell work to fuck off and hand in my notice. They're trying to fire pregnant cow because she's been messing up printing jobs, people have been very displeased with her work, and she's lazy. She'll sit on her arse at the computer and take orders for other people to work on. The rule is whatever jobs you take, they're yours to complete unless you're going to be off for a certain amount of time. She doesn't check her work, and have customers check it over either. There's ridiculous mistakes such as printing upside down, or tons of spelling errors, work not centered, etc. Basically she does need to be canned, but there's an issue because she is pregnant and she fills our diverse quota. She can turn around and take out unemployment, which I'm guessing is her master plan all along. If she goes on maternity leave, she won't receive pay. Which she really can't afford, because she was whining the other day about affording baby stuff and diapers. You're like 7 months pregnant and you're still whining about that?! Perhaps you should've figured something out 4 months ago!

I'm just tired of it, because everyone bitches about her performance, management writes her up (she's had like 5 official write ups) but no one does anything about her! Me and some of the others refuse to pick up her slack. I don't get paid to do double the work. Fuck that. Hopefully she'll be gone before the month is over.

On a more positive note, my final average in Biology was a 99.48%. My professor was very impressed and tried to get me to sign up for his summer classes. Unfortunately, I cannot because of the pending move. My Anatomy final is next Wednesday and it doesn't seem too bad. I know I won't get top spot in that class, but I'll settle for a B since I messed up my cardio exam. It's only fair. All my Labs are done, so now I need to get cracking on my hefty AP book. Ugh.


  1. Yay! Go smarty pants! That grade is f'n unreal!

    Ugh, I am so disgusted at this point, with women who haven't got their shit together before having a baby. There should be a written and practical test before women are allowed to have children, lol.

  2. Go you and your amazing Bio average!! Very envious of your skills!

    We had a useless pregnant teacher at my last place who they couldn't get rid off, she had at least one day off work every week, constant complaints, students even protested one day but they couldn't fire her because she was pregnant. We all ended up picking up the slack. When she finally left to go on maternity leave things were great! Then right before she was due to come back to work, she gets pregnant again!! These people shouldn't exist!
