Saturday, June 22, 2013

I want to scratch my vagina with a tree branch!

No, I don't have a STI! I've barely had sex with my husband. Either we've been too tired or I'm always at work.

I believe I have a YI from that damn UTI antibiotic I was taking, or it's BV. Either way both happen to be common in pregnant women. The dirty little secrets of pregnancy. On top of that, I have hemorrhoids! Which is to be expected, as I'm often constipated.

It was rather embarrassing throwing some preparation H in my shopping trolley and checking out with the cashier. Yes people, I have rhoids!! Lol.

There isn't much I can do about the itchy vagina, until I go to the OB Tuesday. I'm going to beg mercessly that he give oral medication, or a prescription strength cream to clear that shit up. I've never had an infection down there, and holy hell does it hurt. Right now, I wish to take a garden rake to scratch my downstairs.

I know I'm whining a bit. I keep telling myself, I'd much rather have an itchy vagina and arsehole than still be struggling with infertility.

1 comment:

  1. Sitz bath available? Small amounts of hydroscortisone on the out labia should be fine. Air it out if you can at home - no tight underwear.

    Sounds so uncomfy. :(
