Thursday, June 20, 2013

Visiting in-laws and my family

It's been quite a while, but we haven't been home to visit the family. Mainly, because his not pregnant anymore, sister was there since Nov. I just couldn't handle it, and of course I received flack for it. Whatever. Even though his sister was disappointed, she still understood to a fertile extent.

The first week of July we're going home for a week to visit family. I'm happy because this is a much needed holiday (although I wouldn't mind heading to the beach and splashing about like a whale). Then again, the infertile part of me comes out and dreads it. They're happy for us about the baby, and even sent me a nice Mother's Day card. But that doesn't make up for the backlash I've received and stupid comments that have come out of their mouth. I should forgive and forget......but I do know some comments referencing IF are coming my way. I can only image, "See, God finally gave you a baby. I bet you stopped trying and it happened." Those just make my blood boil! Ughhhh.

Then there's the stress of being tossed about the whole week. I have to visit my grandmother, share time between my divorced parents, and spend a little time with my aunt who just lost her husband. Plus factoring in what the in laws want to do, and this is the last time we'll see his sister and her 2 kids before they pack it up for Italy. A week doesn't seem like enough time, but that's all we've got at the moment. I just hope I get a little time to relax in and not spread myself so thin.

The beach is still sounding good.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I read that first paragraph like five times, lol. Did you write this on your phone? lol

    When you've had this baby, you make everyone else do the jumping while you relax at home. Make them come to you. :)

    I hope you get some downtime to take care of yourself and the babe.
