Saturday, October 12, 2013

Snappy cow alert!

I do not know what my problem is, but I am just so irritated lately. This morning I was on the phone with my mother for her to look for an item she may still have (the woman has hoarding tendencies) that I would like to use as a prop for newborn pictures. She got snappy with me saying I needed to be more concerned about stocking on sanitary napkins and newborn pictures can be worried about later. WTF?

Sanitary napkins I can get on my next shopping trip. I got to find a reasonably priced photographer, book them in advance, and that has time slots open after my son is born. Which will probably be the week before Christmas if he comes on time! If not, then I will wait till after. I'm fairly certain finding a photographer will be more challenging than throwing a damn pack of pads in a shopping trolley.

Then there's that site that shall remain nameless, that has been annoying me. I am by no means back on that site, but like to stalk third tri for some helpful information. Let me tell you, it's not the least bit informative. They're nothing but a bunch of whiny cows who moan about being overly emotional to being sick of being pregnant at 30 weeks, and that their pregnancy is so torturous. Get a grip!!! Please note, that these women who whine have no serious risks or complications with their pregnancy. Ironically those who do, you barely see any posts from them.

Which takes me back to when a fertile cow once told me that pregnancy is a difficult time and women suffer as compared to IF. No bitch, you're just weak. Suffering from IF for years still cannot be measured to pregnancy for 9 months.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, too funny that you mentioned "that" site. I tried to use it to find something on elevate AFP and then previously, the first trimester subchorionic hematoma. Useless. All it was was whining about how pregnancy was horrible and "my last wasn't like this". F*ck off people. So annoying.

    Maybe 3rd trimester is b*tch trimester? My 2nd trimester is seemingly the bawling trimester.
