Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Time to face reality

I move in the next 2 days and my husband will be following later this month. I am very excited, but overwhelmed at the same time. There's setting up the nursery, finishing up other tasks, our big move, flu season, my son's birth, plus holidays on top of that. Oh and my father is starting mini home renovations, as in painting and carpet installation. He has such great timing, when he has lived in his home for over 2 years now!

I don't want anything for Christmas this year other than to keep my sanity!


  1. When are you due again Jax? Remember to take some deep breaths somewhere in there!

    1. December 9th, which happens to be my birthday! Lol. Hopefully that crazy woman nesting mode will kick in and I will accomplish all my tasks in one week.
