Thursday, March 28, 2013

Not much today

These are the only thoughts I've got today:

- I should've made more potato salad.
- We're having seafood for Easter dinner, very nontraditional.
- I hope our new neighbors don't include a pregnant woman or a baby.
- Where are you AF?
- I wish my husband would get his final papers for medical discharge so I can quit and start orchestrating our move.
- Work will be pissed that I'm not giving them a proper 2 weeks notice. It will be like a matter of days. I just don't have much time with the last 6 weeks of school and packing to bother with anything else. Lol, oh well. They can piss off.

That is all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The world would be a better place if Teen Mom didn't ever air.

MTV's "Teen Mom" glamorizes teenage pregnancy in the sense that they're on air and getting a large amount of money to have their "struggles" documented. These teens with their Mercedes or new Jeeps, manicured hands, arguing with their mothers or baby's deadbeat fathers isn't teaching teenage girls in the real society to use condoms and contraceptives. It says, "I got pregnant and now I have a show on MTV". Essentially, it's the new Real World.

Instead, lets take this trash off the air because these girls go on to pregnant at the age of 20 and 21....insisting that they're grown because they're no longer a teen and have been married to a boy they've known for 5 minutes. Being grown is taking care of the baby, toddler you have now and finishing your education so you can better provide of your child down the road. Then dating a man, who you would deem suitable for marriage within time. Make something of yourself first, then add other people to your life.

They need more infertile shows on television, really. Any at all would be nice.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sayings and comments that have been lies all along.

Not too much going on in my world. Infertility can fuck off, as usual. Uni is good, less than 50 days left. I will be handing in my notice at work next month. They can join IF in fucking off. Hehe. And there's that up and coming move. Ugh, that's managed not to make the mental list lately. We'll just leave that off for now.

The worst thing that had happened all week is I accidentally scrapped the raw divot, (where my mole used to be) on my back with my bra. You talk about physical pain, this was a 10 for sure on the pain scale!!!

Lately, I've been thinking of sayings I've heard, even comments throughout my life that are actually false.

1. You have to work really hard to get what you want. False. You can strive towards goals, but lets face it shit happens in life, there's obstacles you cannot control. All you can do is give it your best shot.

2.  Karma will come back around. Pfft, I've been waiting on karma to come back around for my SIL.  Is karma going to appear centuries later?

3. "I got pregnant from a one night stand". No bitch, you didn't. I know once your AF is over you're itching to hop on the next good looking wanker you see. You don't ovulate directly after AF.

4. Good things happen to those who wait. FALSE! Bad things happen to good people (who wait a long time for disappointment) and bad people get everything handed to them.

Who the hell comes up with these sayings anyways?!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Test results (not on the POS kind)....

This is on my endocrine and digestive system test.....drumroll please.....

I got an 87% making it a "B". I'm pretty pleased with the results, as I thought it would be much worse. Phew! Next section is cardiovascular, which doesn't appear to be too daunting. I still have room to ace this course, so we shall see.

No other news, infertility wise, I seem to not care. Over time I seem to have become more numb; maybe I'll even get to the point of where it doesn't hurt emotionally anymore. Though if that time does come, I picture myself in a granny looking sweater over a medical gown, with a blank stare, and drool in the corner of my the nutter ward. At least I won't have to look at procreation anymore. Lol.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My naughty little past

As per request...

It all started back in early uni days in 2007. I had called off the engagement to my psycho ex and remained a free woman. Of course being 21-22, in uni, me and my lady friends frequented the bar/club scene. Night after night I would watch mediocre looking men in tight Ed Hardy shirts with pit stains, hit on my friends. Sometimes my friends were buzzed and other times they were pissed. These guys would chat them up one side and down the other. Before last call, my mate would be telling me she's going home with this Ashton Kutcher wannabe and to ring her tomorrow. I watched as they would get into friends with benefits, one night stands and mope about when it ended.

Why were they upset over these average looking guys? How on earth did they snag my sober, pretty mate who has high standards and they were left sad when everything was said and done?

The next night at the club I pulled out a top that was held together by only boob tape, tight jeans, heels, and my hair wavy. My scantily clad ensemble got me free drinks, and a few numbers. Some guys wanted to leave that night, and I declined. I'll call you. The next week I contacted a sexy DJ, met once for sex is in his downstairs movie theater and snuck out in the morning. He kept texting me the next few days, until I told him I wasn't interested. I would do this every weekend, snapping up hot men and having sex with them then ditching them. If they were decent in the sack, they got to enter round 2. This went on for some time until I met the firefighter.

We had passionate sex as opposed to the emotionless (yet still fun) sex I was having with other men. I felt like we played out dirty romance novels all over my flat. It also helped he was erm, well endowed. Unfortunately, we had only had time for one go as I was moving back near my parents. We kept in contact for a while, and then it finally fizzled out when I started back up again with the fun sex.

In all honesty, I know it wasn't exactly classy of me to engage in such behavior...but I wanted to know what it was like on the other side and why exactly men do it. It became fun and rather addicting after a while, completely changing my perspective on sex and relationships. Somehow it was easier to have mindless, spontaneous sex than to engage in relationship that may or may not last. I also did it to see what sort of reaction I would get from my female and male mates. My female mates were interested in my tricks and one of my male mates (actually a best mate) looked down on me for it. Then I reminded him it's not any different than him snapping up a woman for fun.

Like anything it was fun while it lasted.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When your past comes knocking...

I have a colorful past, in fact I'd need a new blog just to relinquish all that. Instead it's best to have it stored away as memories (the good times, at least).

Well the other day, I got a text from an unrecognized number. Maybe it was Shwanda looking for her baby daddy at his other girlfriend's house. Yes, she likes to leave unnecessary, angry voice mails that aren't entirely in English. No this time, it was a blast from my sexual past.

A long time ago before marriage and infertility, I was a promiscuous (safe) young woman. I bagged firefighters (mmhmm), DJs from big cities, engineers, and a few more military men. This of course was on my terms and arrangements; I always had the upper hand. Essentially I was a naughty woman playing a man's game. Most of them would call back wanting to meet again, but I was already bored and moving on to the next guy. However I never had a guy that called many years later.

This was the firefighter, who was now actually working as a flight medic all over the US. Come to find out he's actually working close to where we live. I told him I was happily married and we laughed about the past, the time we spent together. I thought to myself this is how affairs start, but I'm grown up enough to tighten the lid on the past before it spills into my future. He said to keep in touch, and I most likely wont. Sorry Nathan, you were a good time then in my single past...but you're not a part of my future. Stay in 2008, where you belong.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Meet Darcy.

This is my new mate Darcy. Darcy comes as a limited edition from Nordstrom, made by Rebecca Minkoff. A lot of women wanted to bring home Darcy, but she's choosey of where she lives. She's  got a little wild side with the tassels, but manages to stay prim and proper with her satchel structure, and gold hardware. I love her! Sounds as if she's my lesbian lover, lol.

 I did take a picture with my iPad but couldn't figure out how to get it on my blog.

Seriously, I don't know why designers name their handbags after people. I wouldn't want a handbag named after an ex or a girl I can't stand. You'd never catch me toting a Paul or an Amanda around.
Those handbags would most likely made of faux leather and look all around cheap. Yuck.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


I don't know about those things. At times it's spot on and other times it is a load of shit.

I was checking my yearly for Sagittarius on yahoo and it is eerily right. It says there will be change and that I need to let go of things to allow more change. The only change I have going on isn't the least bit positive. Also that I will receive some money, referring to the severance pay we're going to receive. And that I can ask the earth angels for anything I need and will be surprised what they will help me with. Oh really now? Where were the earth angels last year when I needed them?!

I don't know. I'm a realist who doesn't believe in supernatural phenomena, but it is rather coincidental thus far.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Give a girl a new handbag and she can take over the world.

Well, no not really. But it makes me very happy and in a better mood! I believe the same thing could be said for a new pair of shoes.

I'm getting my new limited edition Rebecca Minkoff in the post tomorrow. I have been needing a new go to handbag for over a year now when my other fell apart. And now it arrives tomorrow, woooo! I like to cling on to the small things that give me joy since I'm depressed 90% of the time.

My digestive and endocrine system test went horribly. I understand the need for specialists because there is no way one doctor can know everything that occurs and exists in human anatomy.

Apparently my SIL (one I like with new baby) and her husband plus kids are getting stationed in Italy. I'm slightly jealous in the sense they have good fortune...a new baby and they get stationed out of the country. And we're getting kicked out of the military, still infertile, and have to shack up with my father. Just all around shit luck. On the other hand, I don't envy her because she'll have a new country and 2 young children to raise by herself. Plus learning to drive on the other side of the road, learning a new language, changing currency, higher petrol and grocery prices, etc. sounds rather stressful.

This is also good for me because they'll be gone for 2 years and I don't have to make excuses to avoid them. Yeah it sounds bad, but in my little infertile's a positive. I don't get enough of those, if any at all.

Lets review the positives once again:

1. I'm getting my new handbag tomorrow. I will be doing some shopping in Nashville, aka Jack Whiteville this weekend. Need a new purse to go with my new handbag.

2. Spring holiday is around the corner, thank god!

3. I'm making yummy stuffed peppers tonight.

4. It's a new cycle.

5. My skinny jeans fit a little loose today. :)

6. I don't have to be any nieces or nephews for at least 2 years. Don't get me wrong I do love them, it's just that I can't handle being in their presence. It's too much.