Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When your past comes knocking...

I have a colorful past, in fact I'd need a new blog just to relinquish all that. Instead it's best to have it stored away as memories (the good times, at least).

Well the other day, I got a text from an unrecognized number. Maybe it was Shwanda looking for her baby daddy at his other girlfriend's house. Yes, she likes to leave unnecessary, angry voice mails that aren't entirely in English. No this time, it was a blast from my sexual past.

A long time ago before marriage and infertility, I was a promiscuous (safe) young woman. I bagged firefighters (mmhmm), DJs from big cities, engineers, and a few more military men. This of course was on my terms and arrangements; I always had the upper hand. Essentially I was a naughty woman playing a man's game. Most of them would call back wanting to meet again, but I was already bored and moving on to the next guy. However I never had a guy that called many years later.

This was the firefighter, who was now actually working as a flight medic all over the US. Come to find out he's actually working close to where we live. I told him I was happily married and we laughed about the past, the time we spent together. I thought to myself this is how affairs start, but I'm grown up enough to tighten the lid on the past before it spills into my future. He said to keep in touch, and I most likely wont. Sorry Nathan, you were a good time then in my single past...but you're not a part of my future. Stay in 2008, where you belong.


  1. I'm sorry, you can't just mention all of that and then just not give any stories. That's just not acceptable. Nope. I need a story. NEED a story.

  2. I agree with's like letting us smell the cake but not letting us eat if! Meany ;)
