Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Give a girl a new handbag and she can take over the world.

Well, no not really. But it makes me very happy and in a better mood! I believe the same thing could be said for a new pair of shoes.

I'm getting my new limited edition Rebecca Minkoff in the post tomorrow. I have been needing a new go to handbag for over a year now when my other fell apart. And now it arrives tomorrow, woooo! I like to cling on to the small things that give me joy since I'm depressed 90% of the time.

My digestive and endocrine system test went horribly. I understand the need for specialists because there is no way one doctor can know everything that occurs and exists in human anatomy.

Apparently my SIL (one I like with new baby) and her husband plus kids are getting stationed in Italy. I'm slightly jealous in the sense they have good fortune...a new baby and they get stationed out of the country. And we're getting kicked out of the military, still infertile, and have to shack up with my father. Just all around shit luck. On the other hand, I don't envy her because she'll have a new country and 2 young children to raise by herself. Plus learning to drive on the other side of the road, learning a new language, changing currency, higher petrol and grocery prices, etc. sounds rather stressful.

This is also good for me because they'll be gone for 2 years and I don't have to make excuses to avoid them. Yeah it sounds bad, but in my little infertile's a positive. I don't get enough of those, if any at all.

Lets review the positives once again:

1. I'm getting my new handbag tomorrow. I will be doing some shopping in Nashville, aka Jack Whiteville this weekend. Need a new purse to go with my new handbag.

2. Spring holiday is around the corner, thank god!

3. I'm making yummy stuffed peppers tonight.

4. It's a new cycle.

5. My skinny jeans fit a little loose today. :)

6. I don't have to be any nieces or nephews for at least 2 years. Don't get me wrong I do love them, it's just that I can't handle being in their presence. It's too much.


  1. Ooh, purses are my weakness. Must post a picture when yours arrives. I love living vicariously through others (especially since DH has put a ban on purses).

    The first thing I thought when reading about your SIL stationed in Italy, is that you would be free from her for a while! Don't feel badly, let me do the bad thinking for you. :)


  2. I feel that way about new technology - I know i'm late, but I cant wait to get my hands on my new iPad for my birthday. It will keep a smile on my face for a while!

    I thought a purse was a handbag in America-land? Or are you referring to purses and handbags like we do? (Purse for money, handbag to keep purse and other essentials in)

    Definitely don't feel bad, we would all feel exactly the same way. Take it as the world giving you a break for once! <3 xxx

  3. Stephie, both handbag and purse are used for handbag. I know a purse is something your grandmother got out that had change in it..a coin purse. Wallet sounds to masculine as a man carries a wallet. I use handbag. It just makes sense.
