Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Raise your hand if you're not pregnant.

*Raises hand high* Anyone else, besides me and my IF mates? No? Didn't think so.

It's official, this whole world is pregnant. Every damn celebrity, anyone in the public eye, dogs, cats, fish, former schoolmates, that damn woman who already has sextuplets with one man claimed IF and miraculously had another (no bitch, you're overly fertile), and even a man has been pregnant. Okay a transgender, but still!! It's complete shit, really.

It's happening again, like it does every year. I'm starting to get mental before the anniversary of the date we started TTC. I become even more anxious and depressed. It's not so much the total of 3 years, but tacking another a year. Each year I hope that this is it, that I can finally stop this nightmare. Entering into year 4 of this shit makes you even more depressed and even less hopeful. Surprisingly I have a sliver of hope I keep clutching onto, though it is dwindling. I keep wondering when I'm going to stop, or am I carrying on another 17 years? I don't know.

If I'm not pregnant this month, then hello to year 4 of this fucking LTTC Hell. So excited. Not.


  1. 3 of patients this week. One who smokes pot and just had her premature baby in October.

    Another 21 year old who decided to go against doctor's advice to wait another year.

    Like really. I feel for ya sister. (hugs)

  2. All the coolest make it to three years TTC. I think we get a big gift bag in the post with alcohol, coffee, chocolate, sex toys and non-sperm friendly lubes of every flavour ;)

    Jokes aside, we've got to the fourth year too recently. How weird to think that this time 3 years ago we had both just started TTC, and despite being thousands of miles away from each other, here we are 3 years later :)

    huge hugs, life sucks hairy balls. I love ya though <3 xxxxx
