Friday, February 1, 2013

A+ on my first test

Minus Infertility 139, though if that really was a course I'd certainly excel, I'm doing well in school. I'm going to round out this semester with an associates in science and transfer to a uni in Illinois-Missoui area. Nursing programs are a little harder to get into up there since each has different requirements. I'm going to finish up a bachelors in biology or chemistry and then do a fast track BSN in 15 months..going to school year round, and everyday. That will be crazy. But at least 2 degrees will come of it. Even though school makes me tired, it certainly makes me happy gaining knowledge and testing what I do know. It's also a nice distraction from infertility. Even though that's important too, there's nothing I can do about it. My education, I can do something about.

I just finished up an annoying AF. I found myself being extremely bitchy (more so than normal) and shoving every fattening food in my mouth. Glad it's done. On to this cycle, which again I am trying, but part of me can't be bothered with it. It's become a hassle, really. But it's the only option we have.

I really don't think life gets any easier. It just plateaus when it gets to "Meh" and then drops off into bottom of the barrel from there.


  1. Nursing....

    I love you.

    Not that I'm biased, being an RN and all.


  2. Being a lowly english girl I have no idea what a BSN is, or an associates thingy ma jig - but whatever it is, you're clearly doing an awesome job at getting to where you want to be! I will now refrain from calling you Nurse Jackie at every oppurtunity ;)


  3. Love you both as well. Oh don't be fooled stepie, while I am bright, I'm no Oxford material. Mainly due to the fact I drank too much booze in the younger years of uni. Lol. I'm certain you're much more educated than me. My BSN, bachelors in science of nursing, will matter more than the other degree. It will just look good on paper that I have two.
