Saturday, August 24, 2013

A pregnant woman walks into a bar

As it is my SIL and her husband's going away party today, they are requesting my husband and I join them out tonight. In which, I'm sure it will be at the local pub/bar.

I'm at a loss here, as it is dreadfully tacky and bad form for a pregnant woman to go to a bar. I have however had lunch in a pub while pregnant, but that's only for the food of course and at lunch time. Let me tell you, I still got disapproving looks from the bar hags erm, maids.

Not sure what to do, here. Do I uphold the proper etiquette and form, or let it fall by the wayside for this one night?

1 comment:

  1. Let it fall by the wayside. People are stupid if they're worried about a woman at a completely apparent party. Screw 'em. Enjoy your night out! mmm...calamari. :)
