Saturday, August 10, 2013

I should've stayed in bed today

It started off as one of those days...

I got my lazy bum up around 10am, as I needed to go to the post office before it closed at 12. This trip I was dreading, as the post office brings out some colorful people. The last time I was standing in line waiting to send a parcel, the man behind me was still in his pajamas and reeked of used kitty litter!!!!!! It was foul. I'm not sure of whether he accidentally fell on the box while trying to clean it and couldn't be bothered to change....or he had woke up in one. Vile.

On my way to mail my parcel, I nearly rear ended someone who couldn't drive. I also questioned their legality of a citizenship in the US. All flustered and upset for almost having an accident, I arrive to a nearly empty post office. Thank you, God.

There's this little counter that is in front of the postal counter of where you line up around. However, at this little counter was a woman standing there filling out info on her parcel and deciding if she needed any extra bits. Everyone knows if you are at this counter prepping your parcel, you are not in line. I went past her and stood first in line. There was no visible post clerk at the counter, so I waited for one to show. The woman gets done filling her info and stands close to me. Then, the clerk shows asking for the next in line. This rude ass woman wearing an. "I love Jesus" cap nearly knocks me over pushing past me looking at me and saying excuse me. I look at her with disgust as she pushes past. Bitch, you were not in line when I walked in! I was next! That wasn't very Christian of her!!!

Normally I would've corrected a rude person like that, but I didn't have the energy to argue and I was already having a crap day. Why make it worse by getting into an argument with this rude, hardly Christian cow?

All I know is she better ask for forgiveness tomorrow in Sunday's service.


  1. "All I know is she better ask for forgiveness tomorrow in Sunday's service"


  2. Were you wearing your wedding ring? Maybe she thought you had a child out of wedlock! ;)

    Ah people, wouldn't life be boring otherwise.
