Monday, September 30, 2013

Quarreling neighbors

The lovely new neighbors on the second floor, right below our apartment love to argue on the weekend off and on all night. I shouldn't say just argue, he is beating her ass. She will scream for him to get off of her, to leave her alone, and then sob for a half hour. I don't like sticking my nose in people's business, however when your business wakes me up at 12am it becomes mine.

12am this morning, I marched down and rapped on the door to tell them to fuck off. I'm a cranky pregnant woman who is seeing red. I hear her telling him look what he did to hear leg, and him telling her to shut up. They didn't answer of course. I realized that this is a case of domestic abuse and called the authorities on them. Police said they would dispatch an officer as soon as possible.

I stayed awake for a little while to hear their dog barking and figured the police did finally show up. And I noticed they shut their windows too, so I don't have to hear her screams. Fine by me. If she hasn't left her abuser by now, then I don't have any pity for the woman.

Sadly, we're stuck in this shit hole until my husband gets his discharge.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Please note, this is just to poke a little fun at pregnancy and have a chuckle at the experience.

In no particular order....

-Your vagina is too sore to endure any sexual activity or frankly you're too tired. Husband is requesting a blow job. Brushing your teeth makes you gag, and he wants his pecker in your mouth?!

-You refuse to purchase new larger knickers (granny panties), but the ones you have are becoming uncomfortable with your expanding waistline. So you snip the stretchy waistband, essentially ruining your knickers. However, you feel better!

-There's a line at the loo in the rest stops along the interstate. You're half-tempted to use the men's, as there is no line.

-Your hand is a little too puffy to wear your wedding band set. Now you have to go the rest of the day looking like a unwed pregnant woman, receiving disapproving looks.

-The antibiotics you took to get rid of your UTI gave you a yeast infection and your anus itches from hemorrhoids. You've got 6 days until your next OB appointment and your old school doctor doesn't phone in prescriptions.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Just a mere common cold. No big deal, right?

Wow, they weren't joking when they said a pregnant woman's immune system is complete crap. My WBCs just laid down and let the virus take over! I can't even take any Sudafed, or the lesser phenylephrine. Normally I'd be able to function properly but I've barely moved from my sofa all day. Except to pee incessantly, of course.

I was supposed to work today, but I had to call in. There was no way I could make it through a whole shift without sneezing my head off or build a mountain of used tissues.

I knew my head supervisor would be pissy, as he texted me to pick up this empty box I asked them to save me by Thursday. In which I do not work again until Friday, so why would I drag my poorly arse in there just to pick up a box? It can sit there one more day; it isn't in the way! Petty arse wanker. I didn't even bother texting back, as it would be a quite bitchy response. Don't tell me what I'm going to do on my days off.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bye, bye part time job!

I handed in my notice, as my last day of work will be October 3rd. They weren't too pleased that I told them kindly to shove the job up their arses. Here lately, a lot of other coworkers are jumping ship and handing in their notices as well. There's a couple of new girls to be trained, and even they look less than pleased to be there. It's only a matter of time before they quit too.

There's also some sneaky, behind the scenes drama about one supervisor ratting out another. I won't be there to watch the fireworks, when that drama is shared with the rest of the workers. Darn.

I'm excited as it is almost my favorite month, and I get to spend it with my husband before I leave to sort out the nursery. This mama needs some down time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Impromptu baby shower and I wish to choke my husband

Last year, my husband had to make a trip to Missouri to renew our tags on our license plates. Since the bank lost our title and claimed to have sent it to an old address, we could not get Kentucky plates. Apparently, you have to go thru this paperwork process to get a replacement. I told my husband he needed to get it done. A year later, what do we have to do again? Yes, that's right. I get to make another trip and waste petrol to repeat the same mistake from last year. Ughhhhh. I bitched him out and told while we were there, he's to get this paperwork done. Hopefully this time he has learned hits lesson!

We were supposed to have a work party for all of us that are quitting the print shop, but it turned into a secret baby shower for me. They really shouldn't have, as I already have a lot of stuff. It was nice with some traditional baby shower decor, games that actually were thought provoking word games rather than sniff this "shit" and identify the chocolates, food, and gifts. I started to tear up as I walked in, since it was really very nice of them to go through all this trouble.

It also made me realize that this is reality and not the dream I think I've been living for the past 7 months.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The 30th it is!!

I just got bitched by a patron because, she failed to read and understand our policy. She went off on this tangent on how rude I was and kept cutting her off. I explained policy to her 3 times and she just wasn't willing to listen. Then I got smug and told her she got rude first. Finally she stopped arguing with me and left. Fuck off already!

What really makes me angry is that my 2 spineless wanker supervisors sat in the office chatting all while I'm arguing with this rude cow. Enjoy the show?!! I called them out for their lack of action. They just simply pretended they had no idea what was going on. In which that was a lie, because their office is all of 8 feet away from the commotion.

Needless to say, I'm giving my notice at the end of the month. It will certainly be a short one, as they do not deserve a 2 week notice. I don't need to be surrounded by toxic people. I roughed it for money towards baby items, but since I've nearly got everything there's no sense in staying.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

When to tell my job to f*** off?

I had in mind telling them this week, my last day would be the I don't want to be working up until I give birth. I'm not bothering with maternity leave, as this job pays peanuts and would not cover the expenses of child care.

That also gives me 6-10 weeks to switch my insurance location to near my parents, set up the nursery, and wrap up the last little bits. Realistically, I haven't a clue as to how much time you should allow yourself to get ready. My biggest worry is going into labour and not having the nursery finished!

I've got it worked out that it would be best to give birth near my parents. That way if my husband is still in the military, he will get 10 days maternity leave then his Christmas block leave in December. After that we go back to KY and wait some more. If he happens to get out, then I will already have the baby settled and can just worry about hauling the rest of our belongings.

So either I tell them to stuff the position out their arse the end of the month, or mid October? I can only take so much of lazy, tyrant supervisors and rude patrons. What to do, what to do...

Friday, September 6, 2013

Can you be bad at being pregnant?

The popular question lately, is everyone asking me about the nursery. What is the theme? Huh, I have to have a theme? Since I never thought this was possible, there is no dream nursery I had in mind. I suppose other women would have their husbands painting the room half way through.

Breast feeding. Enough said. Apparently, women who have suffered from IF will endure I higher chance of unsuccessful breast feeding. I can kiss my Mother of the Year 2014 award goodbye.

Fertiles talking to you about their obvious pregnancies, Braxton Hicks etc...and I find myself not listening. I should probably be paying attention and taking mental notes, however I still don't take kindly to fertile's "helpful" advice.

Sometimes I'm afraid of being a crap mother, because all I know is IF and the reproductive systems. All I know about infants, is how to give CPR, change a nappy, how they should sleep, and feed one. There's a long list of things I don't know when it comes to caring for an infant. I know I'm going to act like he's a porcelain doll! Or am I supposed to have motherly instinct kick in? Hopefully I have that because, I've been conditioned to be in the IF mindset for all this time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mixed Infertile and Non-infertile Thoughts

Recent Thoughts

1. When I was at the going away party, there was a baby overload. There were 2 sets of twins, and a handful of 5-6 month olds. Infertile Ingrid was surrounded and literally backed up against a wall. She still felt overwhelmed and anxious as she had before.

2. Sometimes when I'm out in public, I wonder if I make another infertiles upset by the presence of my bump.

3. I hate the way the OB's office is set up like the entrance door is a stage. I feel all the other women in the waiting room sizing me up, as I walk towards the receptionist window.

4. I'm a worrywart. I get nervous every time I get in a car or truck as a passenger...I'm afraid I'll get in an accident killing me and my unborn baby (people in the South are horrid drivers). I'm even afraid when I descend the 3 flights of stairs at my flats, that I will take a tumble.

5. I've learned that infertility is a disease like cancer, for which there is no cure. Both have treatments, for which there is unpredictable results. I wonder when there will be a cure for both, or at least a concrete answer as to why both happen. Environmental factors/lifestyle choices is just a popular answer given, because scientists and doctors really have no clue.

6. While I sat here yesterday getting frustrated at Disney for not injecting at least some reality in there certainly isn't a fairy tale...I realize that they have done so. For example in the movie UP, the main character and his wife experience a miscarriage. In Dumbo, Dumbo's mother waited quite a while for the stork to bring her a bundle of joy. She experienced sadness and disappointment every time she saw it was not her turn. And there's been some Disney movies that show death. I could never finish finish Bambi due to her mother being shot. My six year old self was distraught that Bambi was now by herself, and I couldn't understand why such an awful event occurred in a Disney movie. Later in primary school, I learned about the food chain. Well done, Disney for the hidden messages. Although they're brief and during some distracting melody, it's still shown.