Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bye, bye part time job!

I handed in my notice, as my last day of work will be October 3rd. They weren't too pleased that I told them kindly to shove the job up their arses. Here lately, a lot of other coworkers are jumping ship and handing in their notices as well. There's a couple of new girls to be trained, and even they look less than pleased to be there. It's only a matter of time before they quit too.

There's also some sneaky, behind the scenes drama about one supervisor ratting out another. I won't be there to watch the fireworks, when that drama is shared with the rest of the workers. Darn.

I'm excited as it is almost my favorite month, and I get to spend it with my husband before I leave to sort out the nursery. This mama needs some down time.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you. Time to wind down and get ready for baby. :) So exciting!
