Friday, September 13, 2013

The 30th it is!!

I just got bitched by a patron because, she failed to read and understand our policy. She went off on this tangent on how rude I was and kept cutting her off. I explained policy to her 3 times and she just wasn't willing to listen. Then I got smug and told her she got rude first. Finally she stopped arguing with me and left. Fuck off already!

What really makes me angry is that my 2 spineless wanker supervisors sat in the office chatting all while I'm arguing with this rude cow. Enjoy the show?!! I called them out for their lack of action. They just simply pretended they had no idea what was going on. In which that was a lie, because their office is all of 8 feet away from the commotion.

Needless to say, I'm giving my notice at the end of the month. It will certainly be a short one, as they do not deserve a 2 week notice. I don't need to be surrounded by toxic people. I roughed it for money towards baby items, but since I've nearly got everything there's no sense in staying.

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