Monday, September 30, 2013

Quarreling neighbors

The lovely new neighbors on the second floor, right below our apartment love to argue on the weekend off and on all night. I shouldn't say just argue, he is beating her ass. She will scream for him to get off of her, to leave her alone, and then sob for a half hour. I don't like sticking my nose in people's business, however when your business wakes me up at 12am it becomes mine.

12am this morning, I marched down and rapped on the door to tell them to fuck off. I'm a cranky pregnant woman who is seeing red. I hear her telling him look what he did to hear leg, and him telling her to shut up. They didn't answer of course. I realized that this is a case of domestic abuse and called the authorities on them. Police said they would dispatch an officer as soon as possible.

I stayed awake for a little while to hear their dog barking and figured the police did finally show up. And I noticed they shut their windows too, so I don't have to hear her screams. Fine by me. If she hasn't left her abuser by now, then I don't have any pity for the woman.

Sadly, we're stuck in this shit hole until my husband gets his discharge.

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