Friday, September 6, 2013

Can you be bad at being pregnant?

The popular question lately, is everyone asking me about the nursery. What is the theme? Huh, I have to have a theme? Since I never thought this was possible, there is no dream nursery I had in mind. I suppose other women would have their husbands painting the room half way through.

Breast feeding. Enough said. Apparently, women who have suffered from IF will endure I higher chance of unsuccessful breast feeding. I can kiss my Mother of the Year 2014 award goodbye.

Fertiles talking to you about their obvious pregnancies, Braxton Hicks etc...and I find myself not listening. I should probably be paying attention and taking mental notes, however I still don't take kindly to fertile's "helpful" advice.

Sometimes I'm afraid of being a crap mother, because all I know is IF and the reproductive systems. All I know about infants, is how to give CPR, change a nappy, how they should sleep, and feed one. There's a long list of things I don't know when it comes to caring for an infant. I know I'm going to act like he's a porcelain doll! Or am I supposed to have motherly instinct kick in? Hopefully I have that because, I've been conditioned to be in the IF mindset for all this time.

1 comment:

  1. Can we create a club? We can start a thread on B&B.

    Nursery = bed, change table and some nice linens.

    Breastfeeding = Breast sometimes isn't best if it isn't best for mom.

    Knowing CPR for an infant? Trumps everything else in my books. :)
