Friday, June 10, 2011

I think I'm going to be down to 0 friends on my FB.

Seriously, wtf? How many more people am I going to have to delete off my FB? I've deleted 3 more pregnant ones this week! Even hid a guy's status that he knocked up his wife again. At least they don't boast like the women do all over their FB. Why can't I be a part of this pregnancy wave? Grrr.

I even had a talk with my vagina as I elevated my hips after sex. Told it to help my husband's sperm along to the final destination. In which, I wasn't ovulating today, so at least hang around where my egg will come thru!!

Just feel like banging my head against the wall. How can something that's supposed to be so easy and natural be such a fucking struggle? I mean I know I have to do things the complicated way, but come on sperm meets egg and makes a baby. It can't get that much simpler!

Maybe I just need to have a chat with my husband's balls and tell his sperm that they need to stop being lazy.

Please, please, please let me get a positive ovulation test so we can do it on the right day and then get a positive pregnancy test at the end of the month!! PLEASE!

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