Monday, June 13, 2011

Where oh where are you positive ovulation test?

WTH? I'm sick of playing hide and go seek with my ovulation! I'm back to my regular scheduled 29 days, so my ovulation should be here somewhere! If I can't get a positive then I'm calling another gyno to get on Clomid. Seriously, the last time I got a positive was Dec. I was actively using them and haven't gotten a positive since then. Of course I gave up for a bit there too.

I guess I'll just do sex every other day because of his count and motility, keep testing, if I don't get a positive then I'm going to take the next step. I'm also going to call Tri-Care about his infertility..a freaking lab nurse told him they wouldn't cover him going to a urologist. If they're going to cover Clomid for me, then surely they'll cover whatever they can give him!!

Come on positive pregnancy test at the end of the month!!!

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