Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pregnancy, what is really the big deal?!

I got that you're doing a magical thing and spawning, you get to carry around a bump, have bragging rights on Fakebook, get a party thrown for you, get fussed over, whine about morning sickness, carry on the family name if you're married, and your vagina stretches(cool?). Seriously, what IS the big deal about pregnancy? Why must pregnant women insist that you bend over backwards for them and you're being selfish if you're not cooing over their evident bump? Do you need me to give you a gold star, an A for excellence since you're fertile? I mean it's not like it's going into the World Records book, or are you having some sort of national holiday devoted to it.

Sure if I see an 8 month pregnant woman whom no one else is giving up their seat on public transport for, I'll get up. Mainly to move to another side so I don't have to stare at her. If you're a few months pregnant, don't act special and need everyone to play musical chairs for you.

I suppose because I'm an infertile cow, I'm missing the big picture of pregnancy. I know that my body and mind want a baby. I know that I'll be a fantastic mother. But, I still don't see the massive fuss about procreation and why must one share it with everyone. Is it to get more baby gifts at your baby shower?
Because I've seen mothers to be make off with truckloads of stuff..and they had a decent attendance at their shower. I thought a pregnancy is something you share with your husband-finace or boyfriend (if he's around) and family. Honestly, they're the only ones that care. Your neighbor who you're talking their ear off, doesn't give a rat's arse. Also, any infertile friends don't either....they just wish to strangle you.

Maybe I'm getting bitter because it's nearing the end of the year and I'm about to tack on yet another year of battling IF. Every period gets incredibly tiresome. Dealing with it emotionally is also getting old. I'm just so exhausted from trying to get somewhere when I'm really getting nowhere at all.


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