Monday, January 28, 2013

Infertile 139 revisited..

Did I say my wanker professor was done lecturing about infertility?? Silly me, I'm mistaken!!!

He went there. Again. I just rolled my eyes, and sat there with this sour look on my face. I know he saw me, because I'm one of those overachievers who like to sit in the front of class. I'm on Cycle # (lost fucking count now) Day 3 of AF and you're revisiting a subject, we've already established you know jack shit about. Really?!?!

He spoke about how your temp spikes before ovulation and you can use this as a tool to maximize pregnancy. Duh, and it doesn't do anything for infertiles. And like these fertile bitches in this lecture class need help "maximizing" their chances. Then he went on to speak about the spike in twins due to fertility drugs. Blah, blah, blah. My eyes glazed over and I stopped listening half way through his 4th(?) infertile lecture. Come off it already!!!!!!

I'm starting to think people are getting misinformed by their professors in AP II about infertility! This is where the problem lies. I've already corrected him to some extent, then he gives me this filthy look like he's teaching the class. So I have to pipe down if I want a good grade, as he is the department head. I knew I should've stayed home today because of my endo. At least he described that accurately!

On top of that it's also been one of those rainy, crap days. My jogging pants and sporty little MK flats are sopping wet. I need some wellies but my calves are monstrous, so shopping for them is a complete pain in the bum.

Ughhh, I need chocolate.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Just one of those infertile days

Well it didn't help the fact that I had this eerie dream about my husband trying to give his sister our baby when it was born. Why she needs our child when she has two, I have no idea. Maybe it has something to do with her and the other both completing their families before I even get pregnant. Depressing, isn't it?

I sat on the toilet randomly crying over IF. I'm rather mad at myself, because I was doing so good by letting it fall to the bottom of my mental list. This seems to happen before AF gets here or day of AF. I already know she's coming, as she does every fucking month. I know the menstrual cycle will end when I go through menopause, but when does this nasty infertile cycle end? Hopefully a hell of a lot sooner than menopause.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Infertility 139, or was it AP 139 that I signed up for?

In Anatomy & Physiology 2, we've been studying the reproductive system. Lovely. My professor has opened the can of worms called Infertility. He asks what it means to the students, naturally I answer. Then he goes into a spiel of which I half listen. Pal, I deal with this on a daily basis and don't need further educating on the matter. HOWVER, he asks what is the first question a fertility specialist will ask a couple when they seek help. I said, how long have you been trying. Then they'll ask about the women's cycle. He told me that was incorrect and proceeded to tell me it was. "What kind of undergarments does the male wear, boxers or briefs?". The professor (department head, mind you) then goes on to say that could be the issue of not being able to conceive right there. EXCUSE ME??!! That's irrelevant information to an infertile woman, because she would have already googled the shit out of causes of low sperm count. Once you're to the point of FS, you've already tried every trick, myth and are just ready to drop $$$ on fertility treatments. Don't try to lecture me on a subject I know a great deal about. In return you know very little as you have 2 sons, who then went on to have children. Wanker. That was only last week.

Today we revisited IF once again. He discussed endo and when another girl asked about PCOS, he knew very little. I wanted to knock him off his Powerpoint and teach the damn lecture myself.

The one thing he said that I will agree with, is that you should not give "advice" to infertile woman who is just merely wanting to vent about her struggle. That is the most intelligent comment I've heard him say.

He finally came off IF and went on to the rest of the reproductive system. Then after we finish that chapter it's onto pregnancy! Yay, such joy! I suppose I should pay close attention. *Rolls eyes*

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New toy and still dreading that move.

I bought an iPad last week, so obsessed with it right now! Actually use it more than my old MacBook, really. Figure why not buy a few nice things before money gets tight. I work my arse off, dealing with idiots anyways. Besides it comes in handy in the kitchen when making dinner, and it makes shoe shopping more convenient with those little apps! Apple really does have some geniuses working for them, lol.

As far as IF goes, it's way down there on the priority list due to this upcoming move. Though I will still try and hope for a favorable outcome. That's all I can do, really. I've gotten to the point of after ovulation I lose track of where I'm at in the TWW. Basically, the TWW is no longer bothersome as it had been. Still not fond of being in a 5 ft radius of pregnant women or newborns though. Oh well. Also hoping when we move back in with my father, SIL will be gone with the newborn and my niece so I can put off being around them. Just not emotionally ready for that right now.

Oh I did forget to mention that former pregnant cow texted me a few weeks ago last minute wondering if I would watch her 6 month old.  Normally I don't mind, I'm a very thorough baby sitter. I sit down and prepare a list of questions to ask and make notes to aid with the sitting. When children are in my care, I make sure safety first and that their needs are met at all times. That was also a bad time because we had found out he was being medically discharged. I was in no state to give care to an infant atm. She said she understood and then found someone else to watch him for the night. THEN, she posts this ridiculous status on Facebook saying thank you to her real mates. Erm since when we ever mates, bitch? It's also not my responsibility to provide free care to your infant. As a parent you need to make arrangements ahead of time! Besides, she could qualify for free child are from government programs.  She gets on my last nerve.

Friday, January 18, 2013

That damn cow is still trying to be mates!

I have a second person growing out of my cheek. This nasty under the skin zit that just won't go away, and you know putting concealer on it will irritate it even further. Disgusting. Never mind the fact, I'm back on Doxy (oral acne pills). I suppose it's from the stress of going back to uni and the upcoming move.

Yesterday, I literally had no time to sit on the toilet (but once). Woke up, took my husband to work, threw the clothes in the wash when I saw I had no clean work clothes, pinned those up to dry, ran to school for a while, waited 20 minutes for my idiot advisor who never showed up, ran back home to pee, eat food, pick up husband, throw half wet clothes on and run to work. Yeah.

The one former pregnant cow has been kissing my arse ever since I told her off about the drama. She then proposes this idea that we should be weight loss buddies. Excuse me? She then said she didn't mean anything but it. I'm a US 8/UK12, I'm fine with my body atm. I know when I move back in with my father who has stints in his heart, I'll drop down to a US 6. She then when on to tell me what the diet consisted of, eating all fruit one day, eating all veggies the next day, basically starving the shit out of yourself. I told her this, and then told her the real way she needs to lose weight. Basically stop eating McDonald's all the time!! She also proposed that when it gets warmer outside we should take her son out for walking. Erm, where did I say I was going to be your weight loss buddy??!!! Ugh, this girl just doesn't get it. I cannot wait till I quit that place. I already gave them my notice way in advance.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rants and bacon cheeseburger eggrolls

Those bacon cheeseburger eggrolls were AMAZING...but oh so bad for you. I only ate 2, and still feel really bloated. In fact, I felt slightly bloated yesterday and today I'm a blimp. It's odd because my appetite has gone done the pisser after dealing with stress and this uni semester. Maybe I'm pregnant, bahahaha yeah right.

Like my lovely friends, I like to read the celeb gossip when I'm bored or procrastinating. However they have been a surge of pregnancies. Normally I don't give a shit, but these 2 make me want to punch the next person who makes me angry.

1. Kim K's oopsie.

As if she doesn't have enough attention on her already, she has to go claiming she was infertile. No, no you are not an infertile activist, bitch. Trying to conceive for 8 months doesn't mean you're infertile. Oh wait, you weren't trying!!! Also when she decided to get checked on the same time as Khloe, she checked out as normal. If I were her infertile sister, I'd be pissed. Infertility is trying to conceive for years, not a matter of months. Twat.

2. That dumb girl on Teen Mom know the one that her mother has custody of her son and she's on jail on and off.

That idiot had to quote herself as being fortunate at having a second chance. No. A second chance would be laying off the hash pipe, heroin, coke, whatever else you're on, getting an education, and then getting custody of the son you gave birth to. Instead, you marry a guy you've known for months, still in and out of jail, and now you're having his baby?!!! Sort yourself out before adding anyone else to your fucked up world. Cow.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh mother will you learn, or you going to be just as bad as everyone else?

Every time I call my mother she's always got to talk about someone who she knows that is going to be a grandmother, or someone else I went to secondary school with is pregnant. She knows I'm IF and I've told her countless times I don't give a shit or do not want to hear it!

What does she do, she tells me that so and so is going to be a grandmother. Her daughter happens to treat her like shit and surprise they got married, then pregnant a few months later. I really don't fucking care and stop telling me!!!!! I know that she wants to be a grandmother, I want to be a mother, but I'm INFERTILE!!! Pisses me off to no end.

It's as if she has yet to accept the fact when I'm infertile, have told her I am, and it's been nearly 3 years we've been trying!

At least I'll be at my father's house, who won't inform everyday of trivial pregnancies.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still at crossroads with this.

The one thing I'm really looking forward to is quitting my crap job. It's seriously the pits. I had to listen to pregnant cow whine about maternity wear how it was so expensive, and if I knew who carried the belly bands because her trousers are so tight. Yes bitch I have a drawer full at home, let me just loan you one. Oh wait no, those are headbands. Because I'm infertile and don't have a reason to have those!!

I don't feel any better about my DH being unemployed soon. It could be worse, he could be left physically disabled and not able to work. So I should count myself semi lucky.

I'm at crossroads as to what to do about LTTC while temporary living with our father. If I were to get pregnant, we wouldn't be able to afford a child right now. Then again, I don't want to stop trying because what if I do conceive naturally eventually? We're never going to able to afford IVF, so I might as well give it a shot naturally while my eggs are still viable. I don't know. Really, I just don't to toss away my dream of becoming a mother. I want to try till I can't try anymore. That way NO ONE can dare tell me that I didn't try hard enough to be a mother. And if they do, this gives me a free pass to punch them in the face.

These Special K sea salt and vinegar crisps taste like shit. Blech!

Friday, January 11, 2013

No wonder people drink.

I see the real reason why people drink, not for the acquired taste, or because of peer pressure, but because they are going through a rough time and it's a temporary happiness (a false sense of happiness).

I can also understand the link between infertility and alcoholism. Those infertiles hitting the booze because it makes them feel better at that moment. Anything to not feel emotional, mental pain for a few hours.

Tonight I had a margarita, it was amazing. Well so was my Mexican food.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Maybe 2013 isn't my year either

Shit, what year will be my year? 2030?!

The drama has continued this week and my DH dropped the bomb on me that the Army was medically retiring him. Good news, it's not till 4-5months, he gets a straight $45,000, and will get $800 a month disability. He could also claim unemployment for 6 months, and I'll be able to get housing pay since I'm still in school.

Bad news is my job pays peanuts and we won't be able to afford that with just disability pay. He has some trade, but doesn't wish to attend school, and we live in the South where jobs aren't so abundant. So I believe the best thing to do is finish the semester I have, he'll be out of the Army and we move in with my father for the time being. We use the $45,000 to pay what little he owes on his truck, and get me another reliable car, then save the rest for a downpayment on a house in the near future. Not exactly the ideal situation, but I'm put in a tough spot. I could apply to the nursing program down here, but there's not enough openings for me to get in. Also could not risk getting in the nursing program and he can't find work, because I won't be able to work and go to nursing school. At least if I lived with my father, there is plenty of school options and my second choice would be pharmacy school. I have to finish with a degree I can use right away. Yeah it would take a little longer, but I'm low on options since the economy is still shit.

The other bad news is that I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye to being a mother. There's no way we're going to afford IVF any time soon..with all of this. Unless by some act of God, my chances are really low at being a mother. I don't know, maybe my dad will see what I mean when he sees we can't conceive and offer to help pay for it. Maybe we can start saving for it one day and get there by the time I'm 35. Hopefully I'll still have some viable eggs.

Monday, January 7, 2013

In addition...

To seeing your ex finance all bloated and balding.....coming across another ex who has yet another ugly girlfriend. That is the 2nd ugly girlfriend after you. Lol.

And the other balding, bloated one is dating a girl who barely looks legal. Creeper. Ah, all too funny.

SIL had her baby finally. The final pregnancy I will have to deal with (I'm hoping she got her tubes tied, as she only wants 2) until other 2 BILs get married. If that happens, and they each have wives who get pregnant before me, I'll seriously end up in the nutter ward.

I looked at her MIL's FB through a few photos, it still hurts. I can't help but think that should've been me. :( Looks like I'm hitting the booze tonight!

Poo and work drama. I'd rather just deal with the poo drama!

Someone let their dog shit on the stairwell yesterday. Lovely. I rang the property manager to let her know; she's looking into it and have already snapped pictures of the pile. Erm, what is taking pictures of shit going to do? It's not going to catch the culprit! Perhaps we need to ring CSI's to extract a stool sample and send it off to the lab? Idiots. Sometimes, I really do hate living in the South.

Work drama:

Yesterday while I was working, former pregnant cow decided to send me a text accusing me of throwing her under the bus. I texted her back asking about what exactly. If I don't particularly care for you, you're completely aware of it because I told you myself. Also, I don't go telling supervisors about other workmates who slack off because they do nothing about it anyways. Pointless, really. She had apparently made a comment that she doesn't have to do jack shit when a certain supervisor is present. Another workmate heard her, and got angry when former pregnant cow left a pile of work for her to do...when she should have gotten it done the day before. So the cow, had thought I said it!

I set her straight and told her I didn't work the day she made the comment. Then proceeded to tell her that she needed to go point the finger at someone else. She was then silent about it for several hours, then proceeded to text me again about it!!! This time I told her off, I didn't care about the drama because I had nothing to do with it, it's not that big of a deal since she didn't get in trouble, and that I don't care to talk about it anymore! Finally, she left it alone. Bitch, do not drag me in your petty, immature drama. Perhaps you should do your job, then you wouldn't get bitched at or talked about at work.

I don't need drama, I have plenty of my own.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Oh this is how we're going to start 2013?!

I just want to jump in a time machine back to 2007, that was a great year for me. Perhaps I could go back and edit my controlling finance, get diagnosed with endo earlier, and rock my size 4 figure more than I did. *Sigh*

My day started off like complete shit. I had a hair appointment for a root touch-up and a cut at 9am. It was with a different stylist, because my usual was on vacation. Note, I didn't really mind as my usual stylist is so-so at cuts. Kristen says she can squeeze me in early, no problem.

I leave early, as this place is all the way in TN (a good 35 minute drive). I arrived a little early and went in as they opened the doors. Now, I was unsure which one it was as I don't know all their names with a face. I asked if Kristen was there and received a dumbfounded look as a response. Erm, alright where is she then? I don't mind if she's late, shit happens. Then one bright girl (voice dripping with sarcasm) decided to call her. Apparently, Kristen had me in her schedule book for 2pm! I gave the bright red-head a funny look and told her I didn't agree to 2pm, as I have other things to do. Kristen then decided to ring me on my Crapberry for damage control. She apologized, I was still quite furious, and then asked if I could come tomorrow. No, bitch! This is my last day off for the rest of the week, hence why I made it for toady and drove all the way over here. There was no mentioning of I'll be in, stay there, a root touch up doesn't take forever, or I'll discount the service for you and we can schedule soon. I mean it's not like they had some idiot receptionist mix up the times, they do their own books!!!!!

Needless to say I will never go back to that salon again.

Next, I tried to call round to other salons that could fit me in. I found one that came recommended to squeeze me. I arrive once again, and wait in the waiting room. I notice a heavily pregnant stylist and a not pregnant one. I'm sitting there thinking, please don't let the pregnant stylist be mine, please oh please. She asks if my name is Jackie! Really?! Can this day be any more ironic!!!

While I'm waiting another pregnant girl with an infant, walks in waiting for her brows to be done. Her vagina must be a baby dispenser. She chats with the pregnant stylist about everything from delivery, hospital, names, you name it. I'm like for fuck sake's can we get someone to wax this cow's eyebrows so we can get her out?! I was about ready to go over and do it myself.

I get to the pregnant stylist, she's nice..we talk shop and she doesn't mention her pregnancy. Oh course at one point it was coming, and she mentioned it open ended. I ignored the comment and changed the subject. I also kept my eyes down when I was talking to her so I didn't have to look at her bump nearly bumping me.

Out of all this shit, at least my hair came out looking decent. Sad thing is I'll have to go back to her because she did a good job on both my color and cut. Maybe I'll wait till after March when she has the baby.

Yeah that's the start of my year!