Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New toy and still dreading that move.

I bought an iPad last week, so obsessed with it right now! Actually use it more than my old MacBook, really. Figure why not buy a few nice things before money gets tight. I work my arse off, dealing with idiots anyways. Besides it comes in handy in the kitchen when making dinner, and it makes shoe shopping more convenient with those little apps! Apple really does have some geniuses working for them, lol.

As far as IF goes, it's way down there on the priority list due to this upcoming move. Though I will still try and hope for a favorable outcome. That's all I can do, really. I've gotten to the point of after ovulation I lose track of where I'm at in the TWW. Basically, the TWW is no longer bothersome as it had been. Still not fond of being in a 5 ft radius of pregnant women or newborns though. Oh well. Also hoping when we move back in with my father, SIL will be gone with the newborn and my niece so I can put off being around them. Just not emotionally ready for that right now.

Oh I did forget to mention that former pregnant cow texted me a few weeks ago last minute wondering if I would watch her 6 month old.  Normally I don't mind, I'm a very thorough baby sitter. I sit down and prepare a list of questions to ask and make notes to aid with the sitting. When children are in my care, I make sure safety first and that their needs are met at all times. That was also a bad time because we had found out he was being medically discharged. I was in no state to give care to an infant atm. She said she understood and then found someone else to watch him for the night. THEN, she posts this ridiculous status on Facebook saying thank you to her real mates. Erm since when we ever mates, bitch? It's also not my responsibility to provide free care to your infant. As a parent you need to make arrangements ahead of time! Besides, she could qualify for free child are from government programs.  She gets on my last nerve.

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