Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rants and bacon cheeseburger eggrolls

Those bacon cheeseburger eggrolls were AMAZING...but oh so bad for you. I only ate 2, and still feel really bloated. In fact, I felt slightly bloated yesterday and today I'm a blimp. It's odd because my appetite has gone done the pisser after dealing with stress and this uni semester. Maybe I'm pregnant, bahahaha yeah right.

Like my lovely friends, I like to read the celeb gossip when I'm bored or procrastinating. However they have been a surge of pregnancies. Normally I don't give a shit, but these 2 make me want to punch the next person who makes me angry.

1. Kim K's oopsie.

As if she doesn't have enough attention on her already, she has to go claiming she was infertile. No, no you are not an infertile activist, bitch. Trying to conceive for 8 months doesn't mean you're infertile. Oh wait, you weren't trying!!! Also when she decided to get checked on the same time as Khloe, she checked out as normal. If I were her infertile sister, I'd be pissed. Infertility is trying to conceive for years, not a matter of months. Twat.

2. That dumb girl on Teen Mom know the one that her mother has custody of her son and she's on jail on and off.

That idiot had to quote herself as being fortunate at having a second chance. No. A second chance would be laying off the hash pipe, heroin, coke, whatever else you're on, getting an education, and then getting custody of the son you gave birth to. Instead, you marry a guy you've known for months, still in and out of jail, and now you're having his baby?!!! Sort yourself out before adding anyone else to your fucked up world. Cow.


  1. Ugh, frickin' Kim K. After that snoopy gal..snooky sorry. Blah.

    I feel ya lady, I feel ya.

  2. What in gods name are bacon cheeseburger egg rolls?! I can't decide if they sound delicious or disgusting.

    Kim Kardashite can fuck off, i'm surprised her sister hasn't beaten her with a dildo cam. Twat.

    Seriously! Janelle whats her face is pregnant again?! I hate to admit that Teen Mom is one of my guilty pleasures, but her?! bah!


    I was slightly afraid of them at first, but then again the combination is just pure pleasure in your mouth. Down here in the South (I only live in the 4th fattest state, lol) they're always putting together weird concoctions that don't belong together..such as chicken and waffles. I haven't tried that one. A lot of the times they're not so healthy for you.
