Monday, January 14, 2013

Oh mother will you learn, or you going to be just as bad as everyone else?

Every time I call my mother she's always got to talk about someone who she knows that is going to be a grandmother, or someone else I went to secondary school with is pregnant. She knows I'm IF and I've told her countless times I don't give a shit or do not want to hear it!

What does she do, she tells me that so and so is going to be a grandmother. Her daughter happens to treat her like shit and surprise they got married, then pregnant a few months later. I really don't fucking care and stop telling me!!!!! I know that she wants to be a grandmother, I want to be a mother, but I'm INFERTILE!!! Pisses me off to no end.

It's as if she has yet to accept the fact when I'm infertile, have told her I am, and it's been nearly 3 years we've been trying!

At least I'll be at my father's house, who won't inform everyday of trivial pregnancies.


  1. Firstly - Why did I not know you had a blog until now? Is my brain just not working?

    Friends and family who go through life ignoring the fact they have an 'infertile' in their lives need to be hit in the face, really hard. With a steel bar.

  2. Lol, I made a couple of years ago as the therapist said it was a good idea. Sort of my not so secret blog anymore.

    I love my mother, but she can be a nitwit at times. I'm more crass like my father, lol.
