Thursday, January 10, 2013

Maybe 2013 isn't my year either

Shit, what year will be my year? 2030?!

The drama has continued this week and my DH dropped the bomb on me that the Army was medically retiring him. Good news, it's not till 4-5months, he gets a straight $45,000, and will get $800 a month disability. He could also claim unemployment for 6 months, and I'll be able to get housing pay since I'm still in school.

Bad news is my job pays peanuts and we won't be able to afford that with just disability pay. He has some trade, but doesn't wish to attend school, and we live in the South where jobs aren't so abundant. So I believe the best thing to do is finish the semester I have, he'll be out of the Army and we move in with my father for the time being. We use the $45,000 to pay what little he owes on his truck, and get me another reliable car, then save the rest for a downpayment on a house in the near future. Not exactly the ideal situation, but I'm put in a tough spot. I could apply to the nursing program down here, but there's not enough openings for me to get in. Also could not risk getting in the nursing program and he can't find work, because I won't be able to work and go to nursing school. At least if I lived with my father, there is plenty of school options and my second choice would be pharmacy school. I have to finish with a degree I can use right away. Yeah it would take a little longer, but I'm low on options since the economy is still shit.

The other bad news is that I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye to being a mother. There's no way we're going to afford IVF any time soon..with all of this. Unless by some act of God, my chances are really low at being a mother. I don't know, maybe my dad will see what I mean when he sees we can't conceive and offer to help pay for it. Maybe we can start saving for it one day and get there by the time I'm 35. Hopefully I'll still have some viable eggs.

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