Monday, January 7, 2013

Poo and work drama. I'd rather just deal with the poo drama!

Someone let their dog shit on the stairwell yesterday. Lovely. I rang the property manager to let her know; she's looking into it and have already snapped pictures of the pile. Erm, what is taking pictures of shit going to do? It's not going to catch the culprit! Perhaps we need to ring CSI's to extract a stool sample and send it off to the lab? Idiots. Sometimes, I really do hate living in the South.

Work drama:

Yesterday while I was working, former pregnant cow decided to send me a text accusing me of throwing her under the bus. I texted her back asking about what exactly. If I don't particularly care for you, you're completely aware of it because I told you myself. Also, I don't go telling supervisors about other workmates who slack off because they do nothing about it anyways. Pointless, really. She had apparently made a comment that she doesn't have to do jack shit when a certain supervisor is present. Another workmate heard her, and got angry when former pregnant cow left a pile of work for her to do...when she should have gotten it done the day before. So the cow, had thought I said it!

I set her straight and told her I didn't work the day she made the comment. Then proceeded to tell her that she needed to go point the finger at someone else. She was then silent about it for several hours, then proceeded to text me again about it!!! This time I told her off, I didn't care about the drama because I had nothing to do with it, it's not that big of a deal since she didn't get in trouble, and that I don't care to talk about it anymore! Finally, she left it alone. Bitch, do not drag me in your petty, immature drama. Perhaps you should do your job, then you wouldn't get bitched at or talked about at work.

I don't need drama, I have plenty of my own.

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