Sunday, May 12, 2013

Calling out all whiny cows!

As I stated in my last post, some pregnant women just want a pity party. Yeah, vomiting up stomach acid, nausea, getting bigger, cankles (damn, you can't strap on your sexy DVF wedges) isn't fun. BUT, you have a opportunity to carry and grow your child. I know a couple of women who will never be able to do that. Be grateful for that you are experiencing this, the good greatly outweighs the bad.

Now that I'm on the other side, I'd like to point out the "difficult", and bitched about times during pregnancy. Note, this doesn't include women who are having a complicated pregnancy or are high risk.

1. Morning sickness. Boohoo. Puking isnt fun, but it can be part of the baby deal. It's most prominent in the first tri, but is possible to last throughout the pregnancy. Yeah, I've thrown up some, but I ate some salty crackers, ginger ale, and brush my teeth, then go about my day. Also as long as you eat small meals, stay away from junk or greased foods, then you will be fine. True story. For now, suck it up.

2. Weight gain. Seriously?! We can't all be those women who gain just a belly. Your arse is gonna grow, your boobs, and thighs. Your body has to accommodate the life growing inside of you, if you look like a house, keep in mind someone is renting for a short while!! Also don't take that eating for 2 to heart. You're only supposed to consume an extra 300 Kcal a day. Perhaps lay off the Taco Bell and donuts. It's better for baby if you eat fruit.

3. Cankles. Maybe you should take a closer look at your sodium intake. And keep your feet elevated. Or don't step out of your home because you can't be seen with cankles. It's nothing to cry over and comes with the territory.

4. Clothes not fitting or maternity wear is hideous. Duh, you're going to gain weight! Yes, maternity wear is very matronly. But what do you want, you're gonna be a mother? Sorry you can't wear you're boobalicious tops anymore.

5. I'm so tired all the time. Ok, first tri can be tiresome...this is the major part of growth and development of your baby. You don't have energy to even change out of your pjs. The simple and most logic answer is to let the house chores slide, cut down a day at work, and get more rest. You're tired, go to bed!!! I do!

There's probably more but I just highlighted the ones I hear most about. I wouldn't dare say any of these make pregnancy difficult to cope with. Getting pregnant for some is the hardest part!! In my opinion, 9 months of pregnancy is a piece of cake compared to years of infertility. There's no comparison at all.


  1. lol, you're soooo not going to fit in on pregnancy forums. ;)

    1. Nope! I've browsed a few and it is nothing but, whine, whine, whine! Not my scene at all. Lol.
