Friday, May 10, 2013

Have I turned into a schizo?

Okay I know I have not literally turned into a schizophrenic, but it sure feels like I have an alternate personality!

Let me explain, I know we all know women who have went from infertility to pregnancy and miraculously forgot where they came from. All of a sudden they've turned into this pregnant cow moaning about morning sickness, when they were bitching about those ungrateful women to begin with! Honestly, I don't know how those women turn off their infertile most certainly doesn't shut off like that. You spent so long thinking in terms of infertility, it became part of who you are. It doesn't change that quickly.

Note: Unless those women are having true complications with the pregnancy or high risk due to severe medical reasons, pregnant women who bitch about every little niggling thing about pregnancy (morning sickness, tiredness, swollen feet, etc.) who go on to compare it to the difficulty of infertility, are nothing but whiny ass cows looking for a pity party.

Scenarios that have happened thus far, leading me to believe I have an alternate personality:

1. I went to the department store to look at baby items that were on offer, picked up a item I needed, then aimlessly browsed the rest of the store. When I reached checkout, I had an assortment from different areas of the store. The cashier was ringing my purchase then proceeded to ask me if I needed a gift receipt for the baby item. I stared at her dumbfounded, not being able to answer. Then I found my voice, that said no and told her it was for me. Why did I have to sit there pondering the item?! I nearly forgotten it was for my personal use. I'm thinking that was the infertile side of me, that looked at her like a deer in headlights. Then the pregnant side finally found her voice and answered.

2. I was getting out of the car from being at class in our flat's parking lot. I noticed the young mother from the second level was struggling to put her twins in the car. I've briefly mentioned her and she hasn't exactly been warm to me. Usually I walk past her with my nose turned up at her obvious fertile -ness, but today I took pity upon her and asked if she needed assistance. She politely declined, then then we had a conversation about pregnancy, her giving me clothing the boys outgrew, to me telling her to come knock on my door if she needed help with them! The conversation ended, I walked back up to my flat and sat down on the sofa. The infertile side came right out and asked, "WTH was that?!". I've never spoken to the girl, and now I act like I'm in the Mommy Club! Her and I certainly not the same! While it was kind of me to offer help, as I have experience with twins, what if she starts whinging about being a mother to 2?! The infertile side of me would strangle her!

As you see thus far, it's a strange transition from infertility to pregnancy. You don't feel pregnant, but have seen the physical confirmation. You don't feel like you can identify with other mothers, and especially other pregnant women. In fact, I caught the infertile side of me still giving heavily pregnant women foul looks! Oh and I definitely still analyze every piece of toilet roll after I wiped for any spot of blood. Old habits really do die hard! Lol.


  1. At some point there will be a slight transition and there isn't anything wrong with that. Enjoy your pregnant, you've waited 3 long years.

    To be honest, all the IF people that have complained about their pregnancies have been the just began LTTC, and definitely not the LTTTCers who I think have a little more class.

    Truly, it's a definite trend I'd noticed on the message board we met on. 18 months trying and all of a sudden they're complaining about pregnancy. 24 months and more? Nary a hint of complaining.

  2. How far along are you by the by?

  3. It's weird to adjust because you spent so long with your body not functioning properly. I already had it set in my mind that this wasn't going to happen without alternative fertility treatments. I'll adjust accordingly. Lol.

    I will be 10 weeks this coming Monday.
