Thursday, July 11, 2013

That dumb "I'm having their baby" television show

*Warning*  There will be some language in this post. But would you expect anything less from this page? It's not for the uber conservative.

I'm unsure if this show airs in the UK or Canada. If it does not, you're not missing out! They have the cream of the crop women, placing their unborn child for adoption. There's the women who already have 3 mouths to feed and can't afford the fourth (much less the other 3), ones who seemingly fail to use birth control when they have sex with their friends with benefits, teenagers, and a few university students who forgot to purchase the morning after pill. They whine and moan trying to figure how they got themselves in this mess. It seems to stem from some sob background story of an absent father figure, or their own mother placed them for adoption. I seem to think it's because they failed to pay attention in Sexual Education.

I find myself shouting at the television the fertile idiots should've used birth control. Even if you're low income, you can get it for free. Also being angry with their ignorance and fertility. Then there's times I find myself crying because they chose a lovely infertile couple to raise their child. But I'm back to rolling my eyes when a naive uni student keeps the baby, because her unemployed ex boyfriend said he would help raise the child. Please.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't seen that on, up here. A good thing maybe? lol
