Sunday, July 21, 2013

That elusive, snooty Mother's Club

I've only gotten a peek, and it's overwhelming.

Three times now, I've went to look at gently used baby items on Craigslist. Each time the mothers have talked my ear off about baby products. One talked to me about cloth diapering to which brands are the best, to what sprayer I should buy for the loo. Is it for shitty messes? Do I just hold the baby and use the sprayer to hose her/him down? Another was demoing her pram collection (I thought you needed just one?). Hold on ladies, let me get a pen and paper to take notes. While I don't know half of what they're talking about, I make the right noises as I nod my head in agreement. Never have I ever felt so uneducated and ignorant in my life!

Breast feeding has come up a couple of different times. They ask what I'm going to do, as they raise their manicured judgmental eyebrows. On the tit, or at least try to, as women can be unsuccessful for numerous reasons. Ding, ding, right answer. If I would've said formula, they might have tackled me down and stripped me of my temporary Mummy club membership.

Is this what mother's do? Talk incessantly about baby products and attempt to educate other women about their motherhood experiences? Does that make them experts on the subject? The one woman I met that has 6 children and an enviable figure might have been an expert.

I've also noticed, I've been treated better by mothers. No longer am I ran over by prams, they move aside to accommodate me on the walkway. Fathers will wait and hold doors open for me. Mothers profusely apologize to me when their small children run smack dab into me. Before they would scream at their child to get their arse  over here, and not even throw a shrug of the shoulders my way. Not only did I feel like shit during LTTC, I was also treated like it! Bitches.

Beware of the Mother's club.


  1. All of this when inquiring about Craigslist listings?! Insanity.

    How you feel about mothers is how I'm feeling about preggos lately. Seems I'm treated better. F*cking pregnant woman and hoity toity mothers. ;)

    1. It is a bit ridiculous. I believe those women were probably SAHMs who just couldn't wait to talk to someone else besides their husband.

      They walk around all high and mighty like they have a dick stuck up their arse. It's funny how they notice you when you share one commonality! Certainly doesn't make us chummy mates!
