Friday, January 14, 2011

4-5 more days to go. Can I just get it over already?

Doctor Update: Everything checks out, all my hormone levels are normal. The problem may be with my husband's sperm or my eggs not be quality enough. But he can't put me on Clomid until my husband gets his sperm analyzed. In which that looks like it may or not happen on the 18th. If it doesn't, I'm fucked and only get to put in one round of Clomid before he deploys. I've got 2 more cycles to get pregnant. It's extremely heartbreaking that I'm now down to that slim chance. Maybe if my husband tested last year like I had asked him then I wouldn't be facing this obstacle now.

I mean I don't know if Clomid is my answer but it's increased odds, which is better than I have now. We don't have the money to see a fertility specialist so this is my only hope. I'm clinging on to every ounce of hope that I have left, and praying that I get pregnant before he deploys. It's so incredibly hard going through times I just want to give up and get my tubes tied.

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