Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ultrasound pics are stalking me!

Seriously Facebook is the devil, damn Mark Zuckerburg. Everyday that I log on there is a new ultrasound pic that a friend of mine has put up or a friend has commented on someone else's pic. I've hid the feeds of my pregnant FB friends, but that doesn't seem to do any difference. There's a new pregnant girl everyday! When am I'm going to have those bragging rights? The only positive that some of them are fat cows now and they're going to look like whales. Ha! It's starting to look like the impossible. I try to stay positive and have faith, but I don't want to disappoint myself.

I'm getting annoyed with my ovulation tests, I can't seem to get a positive. Which makes me think I've missed my ovulation and that this time it came pretty early. I don't know, today is the 16/17th day. The gyno also said that it fluctuates and it come two days later. I'm going to call him today and see if I can come in at the end of the month and start Clomid for next month. Otherwise I would have to wait till the end of Feb to start it in March. My husband may be deployed in Feb.

Gonna cross my fingers and hope the doctor lets me start it in Feb instead of waiting.

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