Saturday, January 8, 2011

So pathetic

I believe that I have either A. missed my ovulation time, B. got it on that one day, C. didn't ovulate at all this month, or D. the unthinkable has happened and I'm pregnant. You see I use this site to track my ovulation through my body temp and it says that I ovulated on the first. We did have sex the first, and we hadn't had sex in a while. So hopefully there was more than enough swimmers to get the job done. Then on those pee sticks, I couldn't get a positive went from a dark line but still a little lighter compared to the other line, to faint line on yesterday's test. Suppose it's safe to say I'm counting down until my period which is supposed to start the 20th or the 21st.

Good news, I go to the gyno on the 14th to get Clomid. Although, I'm worried my new gyno won't go by what my old one said (since he up and left the clinic) and he'll make me wait till the end of March to obtain Clomid. In which I don't have that much time. You see I'm aiming to have at least 2 rounds of Clomid in before he leaves. Now, he says he won't leave in Feb because there's only 2 spots open and he's still not certified yet. He said if anything he will most likely go next month. It's all still pending, that's the military for you. But I've got another month, and an appointment with a new top rated gyno, I'm really hoping these are signs a pregnancy is about to come my way!

I was browsing around on the internet at stuff I want for when I become pregnant, like what I want in a nursery, baby stuff and what not. Pathetic, I know. My husband is like, "I'm surprised you haven't bought anything yet." Wouldn't that be bad luck? Like how a girl would buy a wedding dress before she  even got engaged? (My cousin is guilty of that, talk about bad luck) Honestly, I've thought about it..getting little things here and there. But then again, what if people asked me, "Oh how old?" and I would tell them what? "Oh I don't have a baby yet, it's wishful thinking."? So I wouldn't want to jinx it, I'm having enough trouble as it is.

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