Thursday, December 13, 2012

All I want for Christmas is to get sick? I'd rather it be morning sickness!

Yep, I'm getting sick. I blame it on the doctor's office and me forgetting to bring my hand sanitizer. Throat hurts, body aches, and headaches..and I still have to finish Christmas shopping. Put me out of my misery now.

Everyone is finished except for MIL, his brother, and my workmate in Secret Santa drawing. I haven't a clue as to what to get MIL, the woman already has everything. As far as his brother goes, SIL (I hate) hasn't gotten back to us. First she had the nerve to tell my DH, a PS3. Erm, no. I'm sure she'll be whining to her mother (she supports their family and mouths they can't feed) to get it for him. Then my workmate we have a limit of $15, but who really sticks to that anyway? Work Christmas party is on the 23rd, so I have to have it by next week.

On the IF side of things, we baby danced last night. Wouldn't it be nice to have finally conceived on 12/12/12? Wishful thinking. If I got a BFP before the end of the year, I'd probably shit my britches! And start crying. What a mess that would be!

1 comment:

  1. It would be amazing to get a BFP! I would be incredibly happy for you. :) Damn, something needs to turn for one of us.
