Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Childless 28th!!

It's hard to believe I was 25 when I started this awful TTC/Infertile nightmare. Depressing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all complaining about my age and how much time I have left to maybe conceive. I'm just taken aback at how much time truly flies.

On the other hand, there are benefits to being childless on your birthday:

1. I can eat at a nice restaurant without a wailing infant, and everyone throwing me filthy looks.

2. I can see a rated R film with my husband. I don't have to attend a G movie with several other children talking during the film.

3. I can by myself an expensive designer scarf and not feel guilty about it.

4. I can drink a whole bottle of wine, because I'm not pregnant or do I have any children to look after.

Even though I'd gladly trade all of that for a chance to have a baby, I'm just trying to look at in a positive light.

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