Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Someone else is up the duff at work. I'm not surprised.

I work with a bunch of fertile women. That I want to strangle!!!

I can't complain too much, because the other pregnant one is quitting as she's moving to another state. Phew. This new one was rather unexpected, as she's older and her youngest is 14. So I was thinking maybe she was a fellow IFer. Come to find out she had told me they were trying for 5 years, but didn't go see a fertility specialist. HOWEVER, her response to the pregnancy was less than grateful. She went on to bitch and whine about she felt like shit daily, how she didn't want to have a baby with older children, and about the job affecting her pregnancy...which we work in a printshop, it's not the least bit taxing. Excuse me??!! I had come to the conclusion she was probably NTNP for 5 years and her husband wanted her to get pregnant. I looked at her and told her that morning sickness was trivial compared to 5 years and that she should be over the moon about her pregnancy. She just pulled a face and went back to spouting off. Every bone and muscle in my body was fighting to get up, dump my salad on her head and proceed to strangle the shit out of her.

You ungrateful bitch! I just told you I was truly IF (you are not) and you proceed to whine some more!!! Stfu and be happy with what you have!

Later on at work she whined for someone to bring her the broom, no one did...till one of the supervisors told me to fetch it for her. Pregnancy isn't a disability and she's been sitting on her arse majority of the day. I should've beat her with the broom.

Besides that, I lost my debit card last week and had been using my husband's. Well I accidentally locked up the debit card because I entered the wrong pin number. Oops. I didn't find this out till Sunday when we Christmas shopped. Luckily the call center was open for the bank and we got it sorted. I was rather worried since my DH ordered my present online, but he said he got a confirmation email saying it went through.

Well, he checked his email yesterday and the order was denied since the card had been locked! I told him to go back on Bloomie's website and order the handbag. I have been needing one badly and been holding out for one I really liked. It's rather expensive, but I've had a rough year and work my arse off so I deserve it. Plus, it was the only thing I was getting. He goes back to the page and it's sold out!!! :(

Am I that pathetic that I can't even get the second thing I really want for Christmas?! I won't get my BFP I've been asking for the last 2 Christmases, so at least let me have the handbag I want!!!!  Needless to say I was pretty mad.

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