Monday, December 24, 2012

Work Christmas Party

A lot of people tend to skip those and I finally realized why. Your boss gets drunk and starts getting on your nerves even more! Plus, who wants to see those people outside of your workplace?!

Well with my husband in tow, I attended one last night. And we had such a long table, I was able to sit away from the people I didn't particularly care for. Except for pregnant cow #2 that sat on the other side of my husband. We exchanged our Secret Santa gifts, ate, and laughed. Afterwards, my husband and I joined my workmate and her boyfriend at the pub for more drinks. Like I really needed anymore!!

I didn't pay attention to pregnant cow sitting on the other side of my workmate was closer and engaged in a bit of conversation with her so she wouldn't feel left out. Come to find out she couldn't even afford to participate in the Secret Santa ($15 max) or pay for a drink refill she thought had cost her. How are you going to afford a new baby and the 3 children you already have when you can't afford small things?!!! Sure Christmas was expensive and our job pays peanuts, but don't make my taxes support the rest of your family!!! Especially, don't have children you can't fucking afford!!!!! That pisses me off more than a teenage pregnancy!

So I had to calm down by drinking even more booze and failing at a game of pool.

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